Monday, August 25, 2014

Voter Fraud across America

To: All members of the U.S. Congress:
Whereas, before, during and after the election of Nov. 6, 2012, many credible reports have been published documenting voter registration fraud, actual voter fraud, voter intimidation from the “New Black Panther Party” at polling locations in predominantly black neighborhoods, poll workers preventing civilian observers from performing their duties,  lost military ballots, millions of deceased people on voter rolls, computerized voting machines automatically “defaulting” to “Democrat,” and many other disturbing irregularities;
Whereas, in 59 different Philadelphia voting divisions, Mitt Romney received zero votes compared to Obama’s 19,605, a result experts consider statistically almost impossible;
Whereas, in 10 counties in Colorado, another closely contested state, more people were found to be registered to vote than the number of people of voting age residing in those counties, with the disparity between total registrations and total voting-age population ranging between 104 to 140 percent in those counties;
Whereas, disturbing news stories report that some computerized voting machines automatically converted Romney votes into Obama votes;
Whereas, ongoing concerns over the de facto disenfranchisement of members of America’s armed forces are borne out by reports like the June 27, 2012, McClatchy newspaper story headlined, “Tens of thousands of servicemembers’ votes not counted,” as well as the shocking findings of the Military Voter Protection Project which reported that in 2010, out of the approximately 2 million military and overseas voters accounted for in data reported by the states to the Election Assistance Commission, less than 5 percent – only 1 out of 20 – of those voters were able to cast an absentee ballot that counted;
Whereas, the Department of Justice under Attorney General Eric Holder has arguably encouraged voter intimidation by refusing to prosecute the most egregious case of voter intimidation in modern times, that of club-wielding New Black Panther Party members in camouflage fatigues standing in front of the door of a Philadelphia polling place in 2008;
Whereas, one long-time Justice Department attorney, J. Christian Adams, who actually resigned from DOJ in protest of Holder’s race-based application of the law, confirms that: 1) many “states are infested with dead voters on the rolls,” 2) Justice Department “investigations into eight states with widespread voter roll problems … were spiked,” and 3) “Data show that illegal aliens are participating in American elections”;
Whereas, the Justice Department also has insisted on legally challenging states that have attempted to institute basic voter-ID laws to assure fair and accurate elections by verifying the identity of those voting;
Whereas, on Nov. 6 Mitt Romney won every state requiring voter photo ID, while Obama won in closely contested States that require no voter ID, including Minnesota, Iowa, Wisconsin, Nevada, Colorado and Pennsylvania;
Whereas, reports of illegal activities on the part of poll workers abound, including photographic proof of an Obama “hope and change” poster on the inside wall of a polling place and poll workers wearing Obama baseball caps, as well as Senate candidate Wendy Long, an attorney who clerked for Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas, telling Fox News that when she voted, “a poll worker who was at the scanner studied my private ballot and proceeded to tell me that it was rejected because I did not ‘fill in every space.’ She then proceeded to indicate that I should mark the Democratic line all the way down”;
Whereas, a WND investigation has proven that Barack Obama’s presidential re-election campaign repeatedly accepted illegal foreign donations – specifically, credit card donations made from a foreign (Pakistani) IP address and proxy server in the name of “Osama bin Laden,” and that WND’s complaint is now being probed by the Federal Elections Commission;
We, the undersigned, strongly request that Congress immediately undertake a full and impartial investigation into the multiplicity of issues serving to degrade America’s historically free and fair election system, thereby dangerously eroding citizens’ belief their vote counts and that elections are meaningful. Should the widespread belief that our elections are corrupt (as in some Third World nations) ever take hold in America, chaos and anarchy will undoubtedly follow. Therefore, it is of the very highest importance that Congress take the necessary steps to assure that America’s elections are accurate and fair, and without even a hint of fraud or corruption;

Thursday, August 21, 2014

The lawless US Government

To Feinstein

           You are not following your oath to protect and preserve the Constitution. You are allowing President Obama to violate the Constitution on many levels with ObamaCare delays, recess appointments while Congress was in session and so on. There is a reason why POTUS is not allowed to modify laws as we see with Obamacare. Because Obama just makes random changes The American people cannot plan for the future. They cannot anticipate what the Government will do next, how much cost of living will jump due to random laws changed or created unilaterally without consent of the governed.
This is exactly what our founders attempted to prevent with our Constitution and Bill of Rights. We are now seeing the effects of a Government like in third world country's like Syria and Iraq when the President targets political opposition with all the weight and power of the Federal Government to silence decent. Never before in the history of America have things been so dangerously close to losing our liberty and freedom.
The IRS targeting of conservative groups and the Democrats working to hide the evidence and brush this under the rug. Now we see the IRS has conveniently lost the emails from the years in question. Not only is this excuse a complete joke, its an insult to the intelligence of the American People. The excuses they are using are not even possible but we are expected to accept it. We DO NOT. 

Why are the Democrats helping to cover up the wrongdoing of the IRS? 

Why do so many Democrats turn a blind eye to the UNEXEPTABLE behavior of the IRS? To have such an extreme partisan in charge seems a bit UNETHICAL to say the least. 

You are not elected to represent the Democrat party. You were elected to represent the American People. This should not be a partisan issue but an American issue. The IRS targeting represents the highest form of corruption striking at the heart of TRUST in our Government. I would really like to see some Democrats stand with The American People instead of contributing to the efforts to cover it up. This is a root cause of the Democrat party no 

How can I, in good conscious pay taxes to an agency that will use that money to target people based on specific beliefs? 

Whats next, religous targeting depending on what God you prey to? Christians pay more taxes while muslims don't pay any taxes.

This administration shows a disdain for the Constitution, disregards the rule of law and has created an atmosphere of hostility and division among Americans. The President is disrespectful of half of the country, demonstrating aggressive discrimination against Republicans and conservatives. Lying and misleading Democrats. Boldly passing executive orders not consistent with previous administrations executive orders. POTUS is not allowed to pass executive orders that directly impact the American People but rather should be limited to internal Government policies and staff.

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

The US Government vs. We The People

Well its happened. The US Government has completely gone off the rails. No longer is it upholding its Constitutional duties. They are not looking out for the citizens of the country, now they are targeting the citizens.
Targeting with the IRS, the DOJ, the NSA, the EPA, OSHA and I'm sure many more agencies. Combine that with special interest groups and public sector workers and the unfunded liabilities associated with them. The US Government has been centralizing power and demonstrated that its only concern is self preservation at all cost.

We have a court and legal system that has become a for profit institution of a very repressive nature. They have criminalized the inability to pay taxes, fines and fees. When you enter a court you are immediately surprised at the marble and fine wood craftsmanship of the buildings and décor. It is very lavish and almost reminds you of Saddam Hussein palaces in Iraq. You think how poor many of the court patrons are. The majority, living pay check to pay check at or below the US poverty line. Maybe ask yourself: Self, how do they pay for all this? Why is it that America has the largest percentage of our population 

Well originally the courts would add a small penalty assessment rate that was $1 for every $20 of a base fine. This seems reasonable and went for good causes. Now 45 years later it is being used by various parts of state Government to fill in their unbalanced budget.

The chart below shows how much and where it all ends up. When you find the answer you should be very upset. It shows a lack of good stewardship of our tax dollars. It shows how little they care about the citizens

They regard the citizens of this country as profit making machines that really have no rights. They don't treat people like they want to improve and reform people. In fact, its more profitable if the criminals continue to re-offend. It's what some would call "Job security".

More troubling is the abuse by the BLM of the rights and liberty of Clive Bundy, a 67 year castle farmer being run off his land that his family 

Its high time for The American People to rise up and demand our Government fall in-line with the Constitution otherwise its time for a constitutional Revolution in this country. We cannot allow the abuse of The American People to continue like this otherwise we will no longer be the greatest nation on earth.

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

The Bundy Ranch vs Bureau of Land Management

Here is an example of a tyrannical Government finding any excuse necessary to rid  Tue land of cattle farmers.

Why you ask? Its hard to point to any one agenda however this recent conflict seems to be related to a FOX news special "Enemy of the state" in which the Bundy ranch story was one of the incidents highlighted in the special.

It could always be something related to Harry Reid and Rory Reid and their business relationship the Chinese energy company building power plants and Nevada. They've already broken ground on power plant #1 and require "mitigation land" to offset the carbon credits before they can build power plant #2.

It seems the Federal Government has no problem targeting innocent hard working Americans with the full weight of the Federal government bureaucratic machine. This time its to run the cattle farmers out of town and up till now they have been very successful at doing this. Mr. Bundy is the last farmer in that area. All his neighbors have packed up and left town. Unwilling to fight the federal bureaucracy they give up their way of life, in the process giving up the liberty that made America what it is today.
Mr. Bundy however, is invigorated, he does not look down on the situation, but rather views it as an opportunity to take back our liberty. Fight for the Constitution and all the protections and limitations to Government powder and control that it lays out. Many other Americans would agree that something needs to be done.

When the Government is no longer honest or trustworthy at all, its time something change drastically before it's too late. I don't know about you but authoritarianism doesn't sound like a great place to live.